The Schoenbecks
Driven by their love of horses, Tanya and Roy Schoenbeck purchased a dilapidated ranch in 1990. The property, located in Bourbon, Missouri, included a furnished house, outbuildings, overgrown brush and missing fences. Over time, the couple transformed the neglected property into a working ranch raising cattle and horses and into a welcoming guest ranch where visitors can enjoy authentic Western-style cowboy experiences in all seasons.
The ranch features a cedar-log cabin with two bedrooms, a full kitchen a stone hearth fireplace and modern amenities such as WI-FI and T.V. Guests can rent the cabin for overnight stays.
But the Ranch’s main draw comes from the diverse rides available to the public. These include horseback rides ranging from one to four hours, hayrides, sleigh rides, and covered wagon rides complete with chuck wagon cookouts.
As to the horseback riding, I’m willing to say it’s the best in Missouri.
Tanya matches horses with riders of different age and skill levels
And winter and summer she guides them along trails that run through open pastures, oak and maple groves, river frontage, and gentle streams. Nature enhances all with an overflow of country flora and fauna, peace and quiet.
In the past, Tanya ran the cabin rental as a B & B, cooking breakfast for occupants, but no more as her time is taken with ranch duties. Still, she took time to share her favorite recipe for Caramel Monkey Bread. A boon to busy cooks–especially those with house guests, this recipe takes about five minutes to assemble the night before serving and 20 minutes to bake the day of resulting in a care-free sweet breakfast pastry that is beyond delicious.
Yield: 12 servings.
Oil, spray or shortening to grease pan
16 frozen bread rolls (Tanya prefers the Rohde brand.)
3 tablespoons coarsely chopped pecans or almonds.
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup butter
½ cup brown sugar
Grease a 12-cup capacity bundt pan. Put frozen rolls equally around the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon and nuts.
Put butter and sugar in a small saucepan and set over medium heat. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until butter and sugar melt and are well combined; bring mixture to a brief boil. Cool mixture slightly then pour over frozen rolls.
Cover bundt pan loosely with plastic wrap and set on the middle shelf of a cold oven to let rise overnight (see NOTE).
Next morning, when dough has risen, bake rolls in a preheated 350°F oven until deep golden brown and cooked through, about 20 minutes.
Let bread cool 5 to 10 minutes and then turn pan upside down over a serving platter (preferably with a rim) to release bread and drippings.
Serve while bread is warm.
Pull apart with fingers.
NOTE: If left in cold over too long, the dough could overrise. Try to time the making so dough sits in cold oven about 10 hours.
For more information click HERE.
For a cowboy biscuit recipe to make at the outdoor firepit click HERE.