The address alone, on the Route de Grands Crus, in Meursault, France, is enough to please gourmets and oenophiles. The gracious chateau, sitting in the midst of Burgundy’s most historic vineyards, will charm lovers of both history and style. Add a contemporary spa based on magical (as in beautifying, anti-ageing and anti-stress) “Fruititherapy,” and Château de Cîteaux La Cueillette Spa-Hotel-Resort becomes a palace of all-inclusive pleasure.

Chateau de Citeaux
Originally built in 1865 by a wealthy wine merchant, the chateau (used as an event space, but never a residence) was in serious disrepair when Jean and Corinne Garnier, bought the property in 2009. After six million euros worth of renovations and additions, the Garniers opened La Cueillette to the public in September.
Renovations of public areas preserve the sumptuous beauty of the original chateau.

Stairway to Reception

Gastronomic Dining Room

Bar Lounge
The 19 guest rooms and suites, six-treatment room spa and blue-tiled pool area reflect a light, bright, sleek, chic, minimalist style, that moves the historic right into the 21st century.


Entrance to treatment area

Vineyards, first planted by Cistercian monks in 1098, frame the property and, along with a park and the town of Meursault, provide a lovely countryside in which to walk or bike.

All rooms have views
The property includes two restaurants overseen by Michelin-starred chef Laurent Couturier.

Chef Laurent Couturier
Le Potager, a cozy bistro set in the chateau’s former kitchen, serves casual fare with an emphasis on Burgundy specialties.

Le Potager
La Cueillette, the glorious gastronomic restaurant, serves inventive cuisine and can devise menus to be both healthful and diet conscious.

Restaurant La Cueillette
Private wine tasting can be arranged in the 12-century Cistercian cellars that sit under the chateau.

Although location, chateau and surroundings are as good as it gets, the Fruititherapy spa is La Cueillette’s raison d’être (and a super swell one at that). Created and trademarked by the Garniers, both beauty and diet specialists, Fruititherapy utilizes Burgundy’s seasonal red fruits (among them red and black currents, blackberries, grapes, cherries and strawberries) along with honey and grape seeds for natural spa treatments as effective as they are pleasurable. La Cueillette’s exclusive facial and body products, available only at the spa or online, are based on natural extracts of red fruit, grape, fruit acids and the most powerful antioxidants available; all are free of paraben and preservatives and all are luxuriously wonderful.
Visitors can stay at La Cueillette for one night, dipping into the spa for treatments as desired, or they can sign on for one of La Cueillette’s multi-day “Monopole” cures, which include two hours of treatments each day as well as (if desired) specially designed personal programs for weight loss and well-being. The property’s two luscious restaurants are open to the public.
Beauty and a Feast
All in all, the Garniers say that they built La Cueillette based on Five-Bs: Bien-être (well being), Bien manger (to eat well), Bien boire (to drink well), Bien vivre (to live well), en Bourgogne (in Burgundy). I say they have accomplished their goals with yet another B—Beautifully.